
User Research, UX/UI Design, Product Thinking, Branding

2020 (4 Weeks)

HabitLoop is self-care app that uses habit tracking to help improve users’ mental wellness. Users are challenged to document daily beneficial activities and track their progress until these tasks turn into instinctive habits. This app challenges user’s to find reasoning behind their habits by writing their motivations, which will guide them further in their habit formation process.


How can I use technology to help users gain more control over their daily routine and implement positive change?

The Problem

Mental wellness is easy to neglect

Studies show that 67% of millennials prioritize others over their own self-care. To add, 1 in 5 people in Canada are experiencing emotional distress.

Though therapy seems like an ideal option, mental health care can often be expensive and difficult to access. In addition, many people are reluctant to admit they are struggling, and often feel intimidated by traditional solutions to self-help.

The Solution
You can’t manage what you can’t measure

HabitLoop enables users to implement positive change in their daily routine, increasing emotional awareness and their overall sense of wellbeing.

User Goals
  1. Enable users to initiate positive change into their daily lives with ease
  2. Design goals, not chores– Enable users to set goals and identify motivational factors to help users stay committed with purpose
  3. Ability to track the progress of habits with useful insights and rewarding feedback
Initial Research
I began the first phase of this project with initial brainstorming and research surrounding the current market and my targeted audience.

Defining My Process

The Double Diamond

Utilizing the double diamond model, I outlined my process to clarify the problem at hand and the research methods that will assist me in defining a cohesive solution. My approach will begin with further examination of the user and the market (2 weeks) and then follow with the product development and delivery stage (2 weeks)

Competitive Analysis

Is there a demand?

In short, yes. I discovered that many existing apps use habit tracking methods but fail to fulfill the users needs in analyzing their daily progress though comprehensive insights. HabitShare, for instance, doesn’t display their statistics in an intuitive and easily digestible manner.

Furthermore, some apps do not imbed reminders that notify the user to complete their tasks, which is essential in the habit formation process.

Qualitative Research

Understanding the audience

I conducted semi-structured interviews with 5 people ages 18-35 to gain further insight about people’s daily behaviours and habits. I found that intentionally keeping these interviews open-ended in nature helped me better discover the user’s opinions, behaviour, problems and experiences in a more in-depth manner. My goal for this interview was to: Learn about people’s habits, daily routines and thoughts surrounding self-care and mental wellness, and where they feel there are challenges and opportunities.

I learned that majority of interviewees can name multiple healthy habits they would like or are in the process of integrating into their lives as an act of self-care. I also learned that the most popular method to manage these habits are the ‘reminders’ or ‘calendar’ app. However, according to candidates, many found habit making difficult using these mediums due to the lack of organization as well as its lack of reward and recognition for completion, making it difficult to achieve goals.

Defining the “Who”

User Personas

To define the users for HabitLoop, I address common user needs, frustrations, and specific traits that could possibly benefit from a habit tracking app.

Users tend to be overwhelmed by the idea of cluttered data and unorganized flows, thus, a product that organizes their thoughts efficiently and defines clear end-goals would be most beneficial for the user.

Users value self-care to an extent, but require guidance to reach their full potential.

User Journey

Using all the research conducted, I further enhanced my understanding of the user by defining their needs at different stages of seeking self-care.

Conceptual Design
The conceptual design phase consists of developing low and mid fidelity wireframes to lay out the app’s functionality and layout. These wireframes were tested by users to identify pain points and optimize the design.

User Testing Feedback #1

Simplifying the user’s daily list of habits

Completed and skipped habits are found on different tabs to visually prioritize the user’s current to-do list. Several progress statistics  were removed on each habit card to reduce clutter, and were simplified to only highlight important details such as how frequent each habit must be completed on a daily and weekly scale.

User Testing Feedback #2

Enhancing habit progress bars

The Progress page’s habit cards were restructured from containing several circular progress bars with poor visibility to simplified loading bars for easy interpretation. Key insights were also added at the top of the page to highlight progress statistics on a larger scale.

User Testing Feedback #3

Prioritizing motivation and goal setting

While replacing a bad habit with a good habit can be effective for some, many users found that this was a more complicated, less desirable process than just getting rid of the bad habit alone. Instead, the app asks for the user’s motivational factors and goals for their habits to help them stay committed.

Final Design
The final deliverables for this project consists of high fidelity interactive prototype on Figma.
View the Prototype
Smooth Onboarding

Introduction to the app primary functions:
1. Create New Habits
2. Track Your Progress

Take control over your daily routine

HabitLoop provides you with the right framework to keep you motivated. Establish a new habit you’d like to adapt, input your motivation, goals, and when and how often you’d like to practice the activity. Need a reminder? Enable notifs to keep you on track.

You deserve self-recognition

Complete a task and HabitLoop (literally) celebrates your accomplishments.

Curious about how you’re doing so far with a specific habit?

HabitLoop makes it easy for you– providing you with clear insights such as how long ago you completed the habit and how many times the task was repeated.

Need to see the bigger picture? Take a look at the calendar and view your progress from a monthly perspective.

We keep track of everything so you don’t have to

Visit Your Progress and gain insight on your journey–how many habits are in action, average success rate, and number of tasks with its goals reached.

Remember: It’s not always about the end-goal. Your progress is valued on a daily basis, that’s why we added your weekly and monthly statistics to recognize completion on a smaller scale.

Concluding Thoughts
Going straight to the user is the best resource
As one of my first projects involving users, I found user interviews to be the most enriching form of research in my design process.

I learned that:
  • Setting goals for the interview related to a specific aspect of the users’ behaviour or attitudes as it will help construct the interview.
  • Semi-structured interviews are beneficial as it provided flexibility for topic flow. Prioritizing open-ended questions encouraged users to explore richer details and further topics that they had not previously thought relevant.
The power of micro-interactions

In my final designs, I learned to use microanimations as visual feedback to deliver a more rewarding user experience. For instance, the confetti that appears when completing a habit provides users with feedback that celebrates big and small milestones, strengthening the user’s engagement with the app. These micro-animations were also an opportunity to reinforce the brand’s narratives which are centred in positivity and encouragement.